why diy will not win against roach infestations

Whether you’re anticipating the first thaw of spring or the first deep freeze of the season, pests will be present in any home without proper preventive measures.

what can i do to get rid of cockroaches?

Once you have pests such as cockroaches, the best way to get rid of them is to hire professionals. However, that isn’t the only measure you can take to protect your home from unwanted guests.

keep a tidy home

All pests seek out the same three things when hiding in plain sight: shelter, food, and water. Cleaning up crumbs, taking out the trash in a timely fashion, and not leaving standing water in dishes will all help prevent roaches from setting up shop in your home.

the problem with bug bombs

A 2019 study from North Carolina State University found that bug bombs weren’t an effective pest control method to fight infestations. Previously, the thought was that foggers (with their ability to release a fog that is toxic to pests) were a great DIY pest control solution because the fog would get anywhere and everywhere.

In reality, the study concluded that not only were foggers ineffective at reaching the common areas cockroaches may hide (under countertops, inside cabinets, under appliances) but that they also left a ton of pesticide residue on the surfaces on countertops and floors — which are more heavily trafficked by humans and pets.

Many DIY insecticides and direct-to-consumer pest prevention tools aren’t made for full-on infestations. If you think you may have a small problem with pests, these may be enough to quell the issue. However, if you’re seeing multiple roaches in your home, you may have to take the next steps and contact our team.

hire natura pest control for professional cockroach control

Our team of highly trained professional pest control experts can locate the source of your problem and come up with a comprehensive solution. Call to schedule your appointment and take your home back today! (360) 506-6071

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