7 reasons you can’t get rid of fleas

Did you know a flea’s initial acceleration force is around 150G?

These little parasites are hard to kill in more ways than one. In addition to being able to accelerate at a force that would turn a human’s squishy internals into liquified externals, many of us find we simply can’t get rid of fleas. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, sometimes the fleas keep coming back.

If you’re ready to learn why it’s so hard to rid your home of these parasites then read on and we’ll discuss seven reasons you simply can’t get those suckers out of your home.

1. fleas are prolific breeders

Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs per day, and they primarily do it on the animals they feed on. Unlike lice eggs, they’re not going to stick around, either. Instead, they end up distributed wherever the animal might be roaming.

From there it takes a couple of days for them to hatch, followed by about five days of the larvae roaming. This can take much longer if conditions aren’t right but the fact of the matter is the average home is right in the sweet spot for them.

These eggs generally account for about 50% of the population of fleas in an infestation at any given time.

2. they don’t come out of the pupae until ready

The pupae is an inert stage between the larval part of the lifecycle and the adult one.

The flea will remain dormant in this stage until it’s near something to feed on. This can be signaled by warmth, vibration, or even carbon dioxide levels in the air.

Once they’ve emerged, the flea is ready to feed, breed, and begin the life cycle all over again. The problem for you is this part of the life cycle can remain for months at a time, with the pupae waiting in crevices and cracks for prey to wander by.

3. many people only treat their pets

If you’re not in the middle of a full infestation it’s often easy to just treat your pets how the veterinarian recommends.

While you should absolutely go ahead with your pet doctor’s recommendations you also need to come up with an environmental solution to the problem since the pupae, larva, and eggs are spread throughout the home as well.

4. your house is the perfect incubator

Like most arthropods, a flea’s life cycle is governed less by time and more by temperature and humidity. It’s an adaptation that has been developed over time so insects survive year-round, simply going dormant or remaining in parts of their life cycle which aren’t affected by temperature or dropping their populations.

Fleas survive through the winter by nesting on warm-blooded animals. Their primary method of reproduction is scattering eggs but enough will stay on animals to keep the population going.

Most homes are kept at around 72 degrees. Fleas thrive in temperatures from 70-85 degrees. At anything much higher than 90 degrees most species begin to die off as well, and guess what humans do in the summer?

Your home is pretty much ideal for fleas to survive in.

5. we often notice only serious infestations

For the most part, humans aren’t the ideal food for many species of fleas. You might get a bite once in a while but it’s unlikely to faze you much unless it becomes a serious problem.

If you’re regularly getting your animals treated and have flea collars on them then the idea that your home may still be infested might seem a bit odd.

Taking into account everything you now know about the flea life cycle, however, it will start to seem less odd that fleas can be waiting mostly dormant instead of an infestation being entirely gone.

If you’ve had a serious infestation at any point in the past, then it’s important to treat the environment as well, or once those meds wear off on your dog or cat, you may find yourself in big trouble in a hurry.

In ideal temperatures, fleas can become active quickly once factors inhibiting their growth, like animal medications, are gone.

6. they only need to feed rarely

The fleas which you come across in your home are only a small portion of the total number present in your home.

For every adult flea you see, there’s likely one hundred more in various parts of their life-cycle. Most of them are invisible to the naked eye as well.

As for each of those adult fleas? Well, fleas become dependent on blood after acquiring a host. They’ll die within two to three days of removal.

But those that don’t get a host on a permanent basis can lurk around for up to two weeks before dying off and most of the fleas you come across when not checking on your animal are in that category.

7. most people don’t check regularly

Often we allow an infestation to get to a point where we notice it without really meaning to.

It’s unfortunate, but checking your pets regularly is one of the keys to keeping fleas out of your home. If you notice fleas on your dog or cat then you’ll be able to act before the infestation becomes a major problem for you.

Remember even if you only notice a few of them on your pet then it’s time to make sure you take measures involving both your pets and the entire environment they’re in to kill all life stages of the little bloodsuckers.

can’t get rid of fleas? call an expert

The pain of a major flea infestation is very real. Bites can cause issues for both you and your pets and no one wants to be itching all the time even if they’re not allergic to them.

Any pest removal worth their salt knows the how and why of taking care of a parasitic infestation.

Can’t get rid of fleas in your home? Give us a call today and let’s see if we can’t help you eliminate them for good.

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