Black widow spiders might send shivers down your spine, and for good reason, too. While shy, these pests can lash out when threatened, leaving you with a painful and sometimes deadly bite.
For pest control experts, understanding their reproductive patterns can help us target these pests at the source and keep them from bringing more little critters into your home.
In this blog, we’ll cover black widow spider eggs and their nesting habits to shed light on how infestations can quickly grow without professional intervention. Keep reading to learn everything about these common pests in Oregon and Washington!
Black Widow Spiders: The Basics
When it comes to black widow spiders, identification is key– even if they’re hard to miss. These pests have glossy black bodies with a distinctive red hourglass marking on their abdomen, a warning sign for predators to back off.
Understanding their unique features can help you distinguish black widow spiders from other common and less dangerous species in the area.

Habitat Preferences
Black widow spiders prefer to lurk in dark corners and secluded spots, but they’ll still flock toward any cozy spot with ample hiding spots and easy prey access.
They often set up shop in outdoor sheds, woodpiles, basements, garages, attics, and crawl spaces. While primarily outdoor inhabitants, indoor environments often provide a steady supply of prey like insects attracted to artificial light sources.
Black Widow Spider Traits
Black widows are experts at hiding, hiding in dark nooks to dodge predators and snag prey on their irregular webs. Instead of neat and tidy designs, these critters spin messy, sticky webs perfect for catching passing bugs.
You’ll often spot these webs strategically placed in bug hangout spots, like near lights or around buildings. And get this—female black widows even use their web skills to make protective egg sacs for their young!
Another key feature of black widow spider webs is that the silk is incredibly tensile. When you break a black widow web apart, it will crackle like Rice Krispies.
Black Widow Spider Eggs
Wrapped snugly in tough silk sacs, black widow spider eggs come in a range of colors from creamy white to light beige. The sturdy silk outer lawyer protects against the elements, keeping the embryos safe inside.
Female black widow spiders can lay multiple sacs throughout their lifetime, each capable of holding hundreds of tiny spiders. The exact number depends on the female’s age, health, and environment, but it’s not unusual for a female to lay many egg sacs over her lifetime.
Protecting their offspring is one of female black widow spiders’ top priorities. To keep their brood safe, the spiders carefully place egg sacs in secluded spots like crevices or under debris and add extra layers of silk for reinforcement. They’ll keep watch close by on the web, ready to fend off any potential threats.
Black widow spider eggs typically take one to four weeks to hatch, with the exact duration influenced by factors like temperature and humidity. During this time, the eggs mature within their protective sac until they’re prepared to hatch.

After hatching, they may remain clustered around the egg sac or disperse into the surrounding environment. Because of the sheer number of eggs within a black widow spider’s egg sac, we highly recommend not touching or crushing it, as this could potentially release hundreds of tiny spiders throughout your home or property!
Dangers of a Black Widow Spider Infestation
Black widow spiders play a vital role in ecosystem balance, yet they can still pose risks to human health. Even though these spiders aren’t aggressive and only bite when threatened, their potent venom can leave a mark.
Symptoms of their bites range from local pain and swelling to severe reactions like nausea and difficulty breathing, particularly affecting children and older individuals.
When dealing with black widow spiders, it’s wise to take precautions. Be careful in areas where they like to hang out, like basements, crawl spaces, and outdoor storage areas. Wearing gloves and long sleeves can help protect you.
If you do get bitten, it’s crucial to wash the area and get medical help right away to avoid any serious problems. By being careful, you can lower your chances of encountering black widow spiders and reduce any negative side effects!
Protect Yourself from Spiders with Natura Pest Control!
To protect yourself against spiders, you can take severe precautions to keep your home free of black widow spider eggs from hatching and beginning a severe infestation.
Start by cleaning up around your home and removing any clutter, as these spiders are attracted to hiding spots like piles of clothes or boxes. Regularly vacuuming and dusting spider-prone areas can help keep black widow populations in check.
For intensive pest control, you can also seal cracks and crevices where the spiders may enter. Look for any gaps around your doors, windows, and utility entry points, and either seal them yourself or contact a repair specialist. You can also invest in door sweeps and window screens to deter spiders from entering.
But spider control doesn’t stop there. It’s wise to start at the source to keep spiders at bay! Remove outdoor debris like woodpiles, leaves, old toys, or rotting logs to reduce potential spider habitats near your home. Regularly inspect outdoor shops, storage areas, and sheds to monitor growing spider infestations.
Following these tips can help minimize the risk of a spider infestation, but sometimes, you’ll need professional help to send these pests packing. If you want long-term and effective results against spiders, contact us here at Natura Pest Control! With our specialized services and in-depth pest knowledge, we can quickly find the source of an infestation and eliminate it with ease.
Don’t let these pests turn your home into their new residence! Contact us today for top-notch spider control services and a host of other solutions, from termite control to bed bug treatments!